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Our understanding of obesity has advanced rapidly in recent years. We now recognize that obesity is not simply due to lack of willpower or poor food choices and lack of exercise. Obesity is a complex disease resulting from the interaction of genes, biology and behavior, and affected by social, economic and cultural factors. Research has advanced our knowledge of the many health benefits of weight loss, and of the strategies that work best to help people lose weight. We use our knowledge of these factors to provide state of the art weight management programs offering a variety of effective tools to treat the whole person.
Obesity is not simply a matter of being “out of shape” or a few pounds overweight. It is a serious, chronic health problem that can significantly increase your risk for hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems and even cancer.
Obesity is treatable with medical supervision and lifestyle changes. At ChristianaCare’s Weight Management Center, we can help you achieve permanent weight loss and reduce your risk for obesity-related illnesses. View the video below for more information on how obesity occurs.

Weight Loss Program Recommendations Based on BMI

Health risks associated with obesity:

The term weight management generally encompasses the following goals:

Healthcare professionals should make patients aware of the following health benefits associated with sustained modest weight loss:

The aim of weight loss and weight maintenance interventions should be to:

Exercise Program

Prescription of Exercise for Health and Fitness: