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Everyone would like to have a good recovery after surgery. Prior to any scheduled surgery relating to the musculoskeletal disorders, our physiotherapists will perform preoperative assessment for our clients and let them know the baseline of information about their physical and functional abilities. They will also be informed by our physiotherapists about the treatments/intervention plans after the surgery. Moreover, our client will be taught how to use walking aids if necessary. After the surgery, reduction of pain and stiffness at the initial rehabilitation stage will be our prime goals. Once these goals are achieved, our therapists will start off the appropriate exercise programs for our clients in the well-equipped gymnasium and facilitate the recovery as well as functions as quick as possible.

Pre-Operative Rehabilitation

Whether you’re having ACL reconstruction or a joint replacement, the ultimate success of your recovery depends on your condition prior to surgery. At Orion Physical Therapy and Active Orthopedics Physical Therapy, our therapists will create a pre-operative rehabilitation program to help prepare you for surgery and make it easier to transition into a rehabilitation program after surgery. The goals of our pre-surgical rehabilitation program include:

The better shape you are in before surgery, the more successful your outcome will be after surgery. Improving your function, range of motion, and strength prior to surgery will facilitate your recovery and get you back on your feet faster.

Post-Operative Rehabilitation

After surgery, your orthopedic surgeon will recommend physical therapy to expedite your recovery and facilitate a successful outcome. Depending on your procedure, you may start physical therapy anywhere from a few hours to a few days after surgery. In some cases, the body part may first be immobilized for a period of time to help pain and swelling subside prior to starting rehab.
Going through physical therapy after surgery will help you manage post-operative pain, regain motion and strength, and return to your daily activities faster.
At Orion Physical Therapy and Active Orthopedics Physical Therapy, you and your therapist will work together to establish your goals for recovery and get you back to your daily activities. Your customized treatment plan will include exercises, hands-on techniques, and proven modalities to help reduce your pain and improve your balance, strength, functionality, and mobility.
We will also help you learn how to properly use any durable medical equipment (DME) your surgeon may have recommended you use, such as crutches, canes, or walkers.
Some of the therapies we use include:

By combining comprehensive one-on-one patient-centered care, manual therapy, and a range of modalities, we can help achieve better results for you more quickly.

Post-operative treatments may specifically include:

What Are the Benefits of Post-Operative Exercise?