FES has been used widely in rehabilitation for therapy, function restoration and
maintenance of vital function in muscle weakness and/or paralysis. FES uses small
electrical impulses to activate muscles by exciting the nerves leading to the muscles. Two
self adhesive patches (electrodes) are usually placed on the skin close to the nerve
supplying the muscle and over the centre of the muscle. Leads connect the electrodes to a
stimulator that produces the impulses.
health benefits of functional electrical stimulation
- Reduced risk of falls as a result of catching toes on the ground.
- Reduced 'hip hitching'
- Reduced effort of walking.
- Improved pattern of walking.
- Increased heel strike during walking.
- Increased distance able to walk.
Increased speed of walk.
How does FES work?
A FES device consists of a control box, about the size of a pack of cards, with a battery and electrodes. For foot drop, the device is usually worn in a cuff below the knee. This is where the electrodes can stimulate the nerve that goes to the muscle that would normally lift the front of your foot. At the right moment in your gait, when your foot is about to lift up to be swung forwards, the FES device stimulates the nerve and lifts the foot.
The stimulation stops when the foot hits the ground again. It may take some time to adjust the timing specifically for you and your gait. Some FES devices have a sensor that is worn in the heel area, to help with the timing, but in modern devices that is optional. This means that the FES device can be worn with bare feet or sandals.
Who can use FES?
f you have difficulty with walking due to foot drop, you may benefit from FES. However, as FES stimulates the existing nerves in the legs, it is important that your nerve fibres between the spinal cord and the muscles are not damaged. To be suitable for the treatment, you need to be able to walk, even if only for a few metres with a stick or crutch.
Typically you will have an initial assessment that lasts for about an hour to see if you are suitable for treatment and if you respond to the FES stimulation. If you do respond then you can start the treatment process. A health professional will set up the device with you and teach you how to use it. At first you may find it difficult and time consuming to put the device on and position the pads correctly, but this becomes easier with practice.
Follow up sessions might be necessary to adjust the electrode position and the strength of the electrical stimulation. This can change as your muscles strengthen and your nerves get used to the level of stimulation.
What are the benefits of treatment?
Clinical trials and measurements taken with patients who have used FES to help their
walking have shown beneficial results. These include an ability to walk faster, with less effort
and with more confidence when they use the stimulator. Sometimes muscle tightness
(spasticity) is reduced. Some patients find that after using the stimulator for a few months
their walking is sufficiently improved that they no longer need to use it. This however doesn’t
generally apply to patients who have Multiple Sclerosis.
- Foot Drop:Avoid trips and falls using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) to lift your foot as you step. Bioness Go.
- Poor or absent hand function: Assists the recovery of hand and arm function. SaeboFlex, SaeboReach, SaeboGlove, Bioness H200
- Weak and paralysed muscles: trengthen muscles or maintain muscle bulk in paralysed muscles with our affordable electrical stimulators
- Tight muscles: Loosen tight muscles with our effective splinting solutions